More Than Just a Shelter! We are an Adoption Center, Sanctuary, & Hospice

Dedicated to Saving Lives
Pet Pals, Inc is a State and Federally licensed nonprofit corporation that was formed in August 2000 and licensed in 2001. Our mission is to achieve a humane existence for animals and reduce the number of stray and unwanted animals!
We provide spay/neuter clinics, educational programs, nursing home pet therapy, & work with other shelters and rescue organizations in the transport and saving of lives.
Located in Wyoming about 65 miles from Cheyenne, we are the only state and federally licensed nonprofit animal facility in our county which covers 2,225 square miles. We started in 2000 and received non-profit status in 2001. Our mission is to achieve a humane existence for animals and reduce the number of stray and unwanted animals. We provide spay/neuter clinics, educational programs for the public and schools, nursing home pet therapy and work with other shelters and rescue organizations in the transport and saving of lives. When animals can’t be adopted due to medical or emotional reasons, we keep them with us and make sure that no one gives up on them again!
Currently Available For Adoption!
Unable to adopt? Did you know you can sponsor one of our rescues for as little as $10. You CAN make a difference and you CAN be a part of these beauties recovery.
If you’d like to sponsor a rescue, make your donation and simply send us a note telling us who you’d like to sponsor.
It really is that easy.
YOU can make a difference, we all can. One life at a time.
Not Able to Adopt? You Can Still Help.

100% Funded by Donations!
Quite literally – we can’t do this without your help. Your donations go to help provide medical care, food, and our badly needed supplies. Anything that you spend goes straight to the life saving work that we do. So please let us continue to help out the animals that need it!
We also need cleaning supplies, paper towels and other cleaning supplies.